Rebirth, Renewal & Growth

Hello Brave Community! 

Have you been enjoying the magnificent blooms and pops of color as much as we have?! 

May is truly such an incredible month. In many cultures the month of May is often seen as the heart of springtime and it carries with it themes of rebirth, renewal and growth. This period of transformation is widely recognized and celebrated, marking a time when nature bursts into full bloom and the starkness of Winter gives way to vibrant life. 

Humans are PART of nature and therefore we also experience numerous cycles of death and rebirth throughout our lifetimes, not necessarily in the literal sense, but as profound metaphors for transitions and transformations. 

These cycles can be emotional, psychological, spiritual and even physical, marking significant shifts, development and growth. 

Psychologically, the month of May can act as a catalyst for you to shed old ways and embrace new beginnings. The fresh, colorful, and lively environment of Mother Earth can feel inspiring and stimulate a sense of rejuvenation. Right now, nature may be influencing you to renew your commitment to personal growth and you might be experiencing increased motivation. 

Spiritually, May holds a special significance as well. Many traditions and rituals this time of year focus on themes of fertility, abundance and new beginnings. Spiritual practices during the month of May involve reconnecting with nature (hikers, campers and gardeners where you at?!), meditation on personal growth and rituals that reflect the internal journey of renewal–mirroring the external world’s transformation. 

May serves as a symbolic reminder that just as the earth undergoes renewal, so too can the human spirit, encouraging an introspective look at personal growth and spiritual evolution. In order to grow, we gotta let go because it’s the letting go that gives way to rebirth and makes space for growth. Think about it -- trees can't grow new leaves if the old ones are still there.

Check out the next section for a simple but powerful ritual to help you let go of what you need to in order to create space for new growth!

Fire Ritual

Feeling inspired to get started on some emotional spring cleaning? 

We got you. Try out this simple, yet powerful fire ritual to get you started!


  • Fire safe bowl/outdoor fire pit

  • Strips of paper or “wish” paper

  • Pen/pencil

  • Lighter or matches

  • Safe, ventilated area


1.On the strips of paper, write down what you want to internally clear out.

*This could be: a person's name, a situation/conflict, emotions/feelings, old pain or wounding from your past, old protective patterns that unintentionally block your growth, limiting beliefs, etc.

2. Hold the strip of paper in your hands as you meditate, pray, recite a mantra ("clearing out the old to make space for the new") or ask for guidance from your spirit guides.

3. Dangle the strip of paper over your fire safe bowl or fire pit and light it up!

4. When it’s time, drop the strip of paper into the bowl or pit and stay present to intentionally watch each one burn.

If you notice yourself feeling inspired by this ritual and want more, reach out to us at We can connect you to one of our AMAZING therapists who will support you in continuing to clear out old pain to make space for more connection, love and joy!


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